Orca App: 1.0.159
- Updated label and icon colors on the weather screen in satellite mode to make them easier to see.
- [iOS] Now asks for local network permissions if the user has previously denied them, as these are needed to access the Core.
- Improved WiFi network scanning for a better connection experience.
- Fixed an issue where the touch lock wasn’t locking the instrument panels.
- Fixed an issue where automatic switching of wind indicators for upwind (AWA) and downwind (TWA) was not triggered properly.
- Corrected a display issue in numeric instruments with numbers that weren’t showing properly when they rounded from 9.9 to 10.
- Fixed the app’s internet connection when directly connected to the Core's WiFi.
- Fixed an issue on the login screen that prevented users from proceeding after entering their password.
Note: Our updates roll out gradually. You will receive this update in the coming days.