Orca App: 1.0.150

New Features

  • A complete overhaul of the weather experience has arrived in Orca. A blog post will be released shortly that details these changes.


  • You can now select which rudder data source to use when you create a rudder instrument.
  • Various performance improvements.


  • Changed Layline caption in settings to indicate that laylines are shown during upwind and downwind sailing.
  • Several minor fixes to dark mode colors.
  • Fixed an issue where AIS vessel images would not properly load on certain Android devices.
  • Fixed an issue where AIS vessel images would show a previously selected vessel if you quickly selected through several AIS vessels.
  • Improved how the Orca app connects to Orca Core on WiFi Link and Ethernet networks.
  • The native Android back-button is now handled in several more areas in the app.
  • Fixed an issue where Polar diagram search would not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Wind Rose direction of currents label would be shown upside down.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would freeze on certain Android devices if WiFi was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would fail to update the Core on certain occasions.
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